May is National Asian & Pacific Islander American Heritage Month here at RAR
It's May and we will be celebrating National Asian & Pacific Islander American Heritage Month all month long here at Rainier Avenue Radio. Stay tuned to our special programs highlighting, celebrating and honoring the contributions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Please stay tuned at or download our free app!
Rainier Avenue Radio's celebration and education of Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month during the entire month of May will provide audience with an exciting overview of AAPI Heritage and Experiences.
Our Month-long events will feature musical performances and cultural dance exhibitions, race and justice workshops /discussions, educational programming, life stories, interviews with local and national change-makers, historians, activists and advocates.
Panel discussions will address issues and concerns that impact our communities.
Stay tuned for event updates - sign up for our newsletter at
Schedule as of 5-4-21


Anti-Asian Hate & Bias Lunch & Learn, by Equity in Education Coalition, live on Rainier Avenue Radio
Wednesday May 19, 2021 12–1:30 pm
PANELISTS * Eilleen Yoshina, Director of Equity for the Puget Sound Education Service District * Pastor Karen Yokota Love, Blaine Memorial * Kris Larsen, Stop the Hate Community * Leandra Craft, Federal Way City Councilmember
Watch on Facebook, YouTube, Twitch or listen on, our app, TuneIn channel or Alexa.
Register to participate via Zoom:

ASIAN VOICES INITIATIVE: Live Panel on Rainier Avenue Radio
Tuesday May 25, 2021 12-1pm PT
Moderator Ron Chew + Joon Bang, President & CEO - Natl Asian Pacific Center on Aging (NAPCA)
Michael Byun, Executive Director - Asian Counseling & Referral Service (ACRS)
Jodi Nishioka, Executive Director - Communities Rise
Watch on Rainier Avenue Radio's app, website, Facebook, YouTube, Twitch.