8-27-21 Upcoming Seattle remembrance of the March on Washington & how COVID impacted civil rights
RAR Coronavirus Impacts broadcast:
The upcoming Seattle remembrance of the March on Washington and how COVID has impacted civil rights progress.
Friday August 27, 2021 1-1:30pm PT Hosted by Tony B with guest Guest: Hayward Evans MLK Seattle Committee

Watch/Listen: https://youtu.be/3vlzUX6RCuw https://facebook.com/4167497890035957/ https://twitch.tv/rainieravenueradio Rainier Avenue Radio App (free both iPhone & Android users) https://rainieravenueradio.world
*** See 150+ episodes: https://www.rainieravenueradio.world/coronavirus
We invite you to share this information. Please support our education efforts: www.rainieravenueradio.world/donate
Rainier Avenue Radio is a south Seattle radio station and digital media hub. We are proud to serve south Seattle and surrounding communities with opportunities to engage with critical issues, compelling stories, and quality entertainment 24 hours a day, seven days a week. During the current coronavirus pandemic, Rainier Avenue Radio will continue our efforts to provide educational and informational broadcasts about the coronavirus as well as broadcasting the impact that the coronavirus is having on south Seattle’s diverse residents, service providers, housing, childcare, schools, and businesses.
It’s just as important that we amplify the diverse voices of our communities and share your narratives of unanticipated challenges caused by the coronavirus over our broadcast media networks as part of our communication strategies. It’s also important that our communities can access reliable information, have a resource to filter misinformation, and lower anxieties or fears about the disease while trying to normalize life and not let fear rule daily living in our communities
We are asking that the community connect with us in this effort. There will be opportunities to join us for broadcasts to share your actions and community needs.
Thank you for participating in our effort to effectively share information within and about our communities. We will be utilizing our media broadcast networks, website, and social media to keep our community updated with new information, a variety of services that are available, and/or that become available to assist our communities during these challenges. We will be sharing YOUR needs with the appropriate agencies or individuals to ensure that your communities needs are heard. Rainier Avenue Radio is proud to be YOUR community radio station serving south Seattle and surrounding communities. We NEED your voice, and your narrative. Together, we can make it through this and be more prepared for emergencies.
Contact: RainierAvenueRadio.world@gmail.com